Timothy Spencer Spencer

Track A: Energy Management Strategies
Thu/PM 03:30 PM - 03:45 PM
Energy Project Manager
Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM)
United States
CEI – Energy Data for Commonwealth Buildings

The CEI program is an energy information system for buildings owned by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. CEI includes 1,183 meters in 481 state-owned buildings. The program collects 5-minute interval data on electricity, natural gas, domestic water, steam, heating hot water, chilled water, and oil. The state uses this data to assess building performance, set target EUIs for new construction and major renovation projects, target new energy conservation projects, and evaluate completed projects at state buildings. The CEI program also collaborates closely with facilities teams and project managers in order to reach the state's goal of reducing the carbon footprint of state government by 95% by 2050. This presentation covers several of the uses of CEI data within state government.

Timothy Spencer is an Energy Project Manager for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM). He holds a Master of Science in Sustainable Design from Carnegie Mellon University with a focus on energy data analytics. He has worked as a structural drafter, energy benchmarking analyst, and building energy modeler for LEED and energy code compliance. He currently works on DCAMM's Commonwealth Energy Intelligence (CEI) program, as well as managing existing building commissioning projects at state facilities, and climate resilience planning for state-owned buildings.

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